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2. Some issues related to Executive promotion policy (EPP) needs immediate settlement in addition to CPSU cadre hierarchy and first time bound promotion after 4 years of service in all the cases as under (a) Time bound promotion from E-5 to E-6 to the DGMs promoted from Grp.'B' Executives: Reply: GM(Pers) informed that the issue is pending with BSNL Board for approval for the last 7-8 months. We expressed our serious concern for such inordinate delay on the pretext of finalization of HR Plan. Dir(HR) appreciated our concern and assured that after the discussions with BSNL Unions/ Associations the revised HR Plan fitting in Deloittee Recommendations will be placed in the next BSNL Board Meeting. Thereafter all the pending HR issues cleared by BSNL MC will also be approved by BSNL Board. (b) Date of effect of Implementation of revised upgraded IDA Pay Scales for the Executives w.e.f. 1.10.2000 on notional basis: Reply: Addl GM (BW) and GM (Pers) apprised the status of the case which is now pending in Pers cell for consideration after the comments of the GM (FP). The proposal was moved by the PGM (BW) with the comments of the PGM (EW), PGM(Arch) and GM(TF). GM (Pers) has to give comments on PA/PS cadre. Dir(HR) directed GM (Pers) to resolve the issue by 31/07/2015. (c) Amendment in BSNL MSRRs of EE (Civil/Electrical/Arch): Reply: Dir (HR) mentioned that as per the discussions and decisions in the meeting of CMD, BSNL with the UF representatives in her presence held on 13/07/2015, the approval has been given to Pers cell to issue an executive order treating Diploma with 10 years of technical experience as equivalent to degree in engineering for the purpose of promotion to the grade of EE(C/E/Arch). GM (Pers) assured to issue the order today itself. We extended our sincere gratitude and thanks to the Dir (HR) and CMD, BSNL for their kind consideration and removing this stalemate in the career path of C/E/Arch wing executives. We congratulate our Civil/Electrical/Architectural Executives for this historic win. 3. Conduction of various CPCs on a regular basis: i. JTO to SDE (T) CPC against seniority cum fitness quota: Conduction of DPC for Seniority and fitness quota as per DoPT guidelines for the years 2009-10, 2010-11, 2011-12 ,2012-13 and 2013-14 to fill up about 6600 posts. Reply: GM (Pers) apprised that as soon as the stay order is vacated from the Hon'ble HC Kerala, the CPC will be expedited and promotion order will be issued within seven days. We requested to monitor the developments in the court so that the case is not further deferred. AIBSNLEA is also a party in the case ii. CPC from SDE (T)/DE(Adhoc) to DE Regular: Immediate CPC to fill up the left out about 90 DEs Posts and about 1200 DEs posts on regular basis up to the vacancies of year 2013-14 Reply: Dir (HR) directed the GM (Pers) to issue left out 83 SDEs to DE promotion order immediately and to expedite CPC from SDE to DE and to fill up all vacant DE posts. iii. Immediate conduction of CPC from DE to DGM (Engg.) on Adhoc/Regular basis to fill up about 700 DGM vacant posts. Reply: GM (Pers) apprised that efforts are being made to issue 150 DGM orders from eligible DEs on receipt of VCRs. We pleaded that as per the judgement of Hon'ble Apex Court, 480 DGM posts can immediately be filled up since 150 can be filled up. Dir (HR) directed GM (Pers) to give maximum promotions against vacant posts as much as possible. GM (Pers) assured an early action in this regard. iv. Immediate CPC from JAO to AO to fill up about 500 AOs posts. Reply: GM(FP) informed that after receiving the letter from the UF, the CPC work from JAO to AO has been initiated. v. CPC from AO to CAO Regular to fill up about 650 CAO vacant posts Reply: GM(FP) apprise that the CPC work is held up due to Hon'ble CAT , Chandigarh direction to refrain from issuing promotions by considering Roster in present practice in BSNL and consider TELEWAVE Page-32 SEPTEMBER-2015
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