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Honorable Shimla High Court for combined exam for the reaming vacancies of LDCE quota of SDE (T). Once result of the present LDCE is declared, next exam will be notified immediately. b. LDCE from JTO (TF) to SDEs (TF) on regular basis. The syllabus of LDCE from JTO (TF) to SDEs (TF) will be circulated/notified within one week and notification of LDCE will be issued in Sep-2015 for conducting LDCE in the month of Dec-15. 3. Provide additional increment to all the executives promoted through 2012 SDE (T) LDCE, to compensate loss of notional increment due to delayed Exam/Result on the part of BSNL. GM (Pers) informed that in a similar case as per direction from Honorable Court, notional increment is extended to 124 petitioners against LDCE held in 2002 but same cannot be generalized. Forum has pleaded that same benefits must be given to similarly affected executives for LDCE-2012 instead of forcing them to go to the various courts. Director (HR) appreciated our concern and directed GM (Pers) to discuss the court judgment with her and then decision will be taken. 4. Settlement of pay anomaly cases wherein senior Executives are drawing less pay than their juniors and antedating of pay. Forum pleaded to implement the Honorable Supreme Court judgment allowing stepping up of pay to all affected executives. Forum further pleaded that stepping up of pay as per the Apex court judgment is already implemented under NEPP. Director (HR) directed GM (Pers) for taking early decision in this regard. Regarding antedating of pay GM (Estt) assured to provide the calculation sheet on antedating of pay on the basis of earlier BSNL CO PAT section order issued after second PRC implementation and than modified order in 2011. Accordingly case will be process to the competent authority for final decision. 5. Special recruitment of JTO/JAO for hard tenure Circles / Implementation of Transfer Policy in its true spirit in all disciplines and consideration of Rule-8 cases by circles, spouse cases as per the prevalent guidelines. Director (HR) acknowledged the hardship of the executives posted in hard tenure/deficits stations/circles and mentioned that BSNL management is seized with problem and considering the special recruitment in such circles. Apart from this, some immediate possible measures will be taken to mitigate the hardship of executives. 6. E1+5 Increments benefit to JTO (SRD), JAOs 2013 batch and PAs: The BSNL Management Committee has cleared the proposal of E1+5 Increments benefit to JTO (SRD), JAOs 2013 batch and PAs which is pending for BSNL Board approval. Also settlement of Pay Anomaly cases of Departmental JTOs outsider quota. Director (HR) directed GM (Estt) to put up the case in the next board meeting to be held in Aug-15 delinking from HR plan approval. 7. Inordinate delay in settlement of disciplinary cases: We have been requesting BSNL Management for the settlement of long pending disciplinary cases. Many cases are pending more than 7-8 years and no decision is given, causing undue harassment to the executives on promotions and retirement. As per CVC guidelines all the disciplinary cases needs early settlement. Director (HR) advised to submit the list of long pending disciplinary cases for early decisions. 8. Post based promotions for PA/PS up to PPS and Sr. PPS Cadre. Common Recruitment Rules & Nomenclature and introduction of Promotion Policy for Stenos (Dying Cadre) Director (HR) directed Add. GM (Pers), convener of the committee headed by ED (CN) to submit committee report within two months time for decision. 9. Allowing option to departmental JAOs who joined after 07-05-2010. Issue is already resolved. Forum extends sincere thanks for resolving the issues. 10. Early finalization of New SDE RR-2014 & JTO RRs-2014 (without degradation of Scale & Qualification) and in line with the suggestions submitted by associations. Director (HR) directed GM (Estt) and GM (Pers) to put up the issues in next board meeting delinking from HR Plan finalization for resolution. TELEWAVE Page-30 SEPTEMBER-2015
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