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c. Notional Pay fixation w.e.f. 01.10.2000 of upgraded pay scales of JTO (C/E/Arch/TF) / PA Cadres: Sr. GM (Pers.) mentioned that still the case is pending in Estt Cell for comments and advised Jt. GM (Pers.) to pursue the matter for early comments from Estt Cell. d. Restructuring of AD (O/L) cadre: Sr. GM (Pers.) mentioned that the case has been again sent to Estt Cell for clarification on the repercussions in some other similar cadres, if any. He assured an early action in this regard. GS, FS met Shri Sunil Kumar, GM (FP) on 29.09.2015 and discussed regarding: a. CPC from DGM (Adhoc) to DGM (Regular) in Finance Wing: We requested to expedite the CPC from DGM (Adhoc) to DGM (Regular) in Finance Wing. GM (FP) informed that the CPC is scheduled to be held today on this issue wherein about 8-9 DGM Adhoc to DGM Regular cases will be considered. b. CPC from AO to CAO: We requested to expedite CPC from AO to CAO left out cases immediately. GM (FP) informed that the CPC from AO the CAO left out cases could not be conducted because DGM (IA), BSNL CO, one of the member CPC is not giving time to attend the CPC meetings. We requested to change the CPC member and expedite the CPC. GM (FP) assured to look into the matter. c. CPC from JAO to AO: GM (FP) informed that CPC from JAO to AO has been initiated but the same can be expedited after the settlement of SC/ST roaster case in Hon'ble CAT bench Chandigarh as the case of AO to CAO CPC. However, the matter is under consideration in the Pers. Cell to seek the legal opinion from ASG, Govt. of India. d. Consideration of request / tenure / modification transfer orders of AOs/CAOs: GM (FP) assured to examine and consider the pending transfer cases at the earliest. GS met Shri S.K. Sinha, GM (Admn), BSNL Corporate Office on 28.09.2015 and discussed regarding Data (GPRS) facility on 3G mobile with 2 GB facility to all the executives and issuing orders for increasing free calls limit to BSNL pensioners from 500+25 to 500+220 Calls and Broad band facility etc. GM (Admn) assured an early action in these regards. GS met Shri K. Ramachander, GM (CIT), BSNL Corporate Office on 28.09.2015 and discussed regarding linking of BSNL Pensioners benefit reimbursements through ERP to facilitate them and to avoid un-necessary movements. GM (CIT) appreciated our concern and assured that in the first week of October 2015, the case will be processed for ERP implementation. GS met Addl GM (Pers) on 28.09.2015 and discussed regarding: a. Consideration of request/tenure transfer cases of SDEs/DEs: We requested for early consideration of request / tenure transfer cases of SDEs/DEs. Addl GM (Pers) mentioned that all the pending cases forwarded by Circles are being examined and after joining of GM (Pers) from leave on 5th October 2015 these cases will be processed for approval. He assured that efforts are being made to issue transfer orders before 10th October 2015. b. CPC from JTO to SDE (T): We requested to expedite CPC from JTO to SDE (T). Addl GM (Pers) mentioned that the rejoinder from BSNL Corporate Office was given to Kerala Circle to further submit it to Hon'ble High Court to get stay order vacated but Kerala Circle has further asked some clarification on JTO seniority issue of the JTOs regularized by creation of super-numeric posts which is being replied after taking clarification from Estt Cell of BSNL Corporate Office. On the issue of SC/ST roaster implementation court stay order from Hon'ble CAT Chandigarh, the opinion of All Solicitor General (ASG) from Govt. of India is being taken and an application has been moved to get all the cases transferred to Principal Bench CAT New Delhi. He assured an early action in this regard. c. Creation of PPS posts in field units: Addl GM (Pers) informed that today at 16.00 Hrs, a meeting of the committee headed by ED (CN) is being held and shortly some decision will be taken. d. Restructuring of AD (O/L) cadre: Addl GM (Pers) mentioned that the comments of the GM (Estt) on the committee report have now been received and on that basis the case will be submitted to the competent authority for consideration. He assured an early action in this regard. TELEWAVE Page-36 SEPTEMBER-2015
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