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promotion policies is the Stenographers (dying cadre). Neither Executive Promotion Policy nor Non- Executive Promotion policy has been made applicable to this small group of Stenos drawing executive pay scale. If no promotion policy is implemented, there is no scope of any promotion for these stenographers other than getting an increment as per modified ACP as recommended by the 6th Pay Commission for the Central Govt. Employees which has been implemented in BSNL also. Director (HR) directed pers. cell to submit the complete case and asked the association to submit a fresh letter detailing the exact nature of the demand so that an informed decision can be taken on the issue of relaxation as one time measure in view of the LICE from Non-Executive to Executive Cadre. 5. BSNL CO Vide No.15-07/2011-Pers.II Dated 18th August 2015 issued clarification in respect of implementation of policy guidelines issued by BSNL Corporate Office in respect of PA/PS of BSNL field units wherein wrong implementation of EPP guidelines /restructuring order /ACP orders issued by BSNL CO are required to take corrective measures which will cause heavy recoveries AIBSNLEA has strongly oppose such arbitrary and unjust recovery orders. Director (HR) directed pers cell to process the case for keeping the recovery held in abeyance and to seek the financial implications from the circles. 6. TTA to JTO (Direct) quota pay fixation case: Forum pleaded with Director (HR) to allow option to exercise on promotion to the JTOs recruited under direct quota after technical resignation from TTA cader as per DoPT guidelines and other PSUs HR policies on the matter. Director (HR) Directed GM (Estt) to examine the case in detail as per the documents submitted by the association side. 7. The indifferent attitude of GM (HR), MH circle towards the members of forum under the silent support of CGMT MH circle. Director (HR) appreciated our concern and assured to intervene in the matter to provide justice to the members of the forum. B. Meeting with Director (HR) on the agenda items submitted by AIBSNLEA dated 04.09.2015 GS, FS, AGS (HQ), AGS (Fin.) held a meeting with Director (HR). GM (Pers), GM (Estt), Addl GM (SR) and Addl. GM (Pers) were also present in the meeting. We requested Director (HR) to review the progress on the agenda items of the earlier meetings held on 16.07.2015 and 04.08.2015. Records of discussion on the issues taken up in the meeting are as under: 1. Superannuation benefits to Direct Recruited executives as per the provision of sub-rule (23) of rule 37A of CCS pension rule and as per DPE guidelines. BSNL should contribute 12% of Basic + DA as Superannuation Benefits in respect of Direct Recruits and the effective date of implementation of Superannuation benefits of BSNL Recruited Employees must be 01.10.2000. Director (HR) informed that matter has been re-examined based on the feedback given by the Association and a revised proposal is being mooted to BSNL Management Committee to increase the contribution from 3% to 5%-6%. We demanded 12% contribution as per DPE guidelines. 2. Some issues related to Executive promotion policy (EPP) needs immediate settlement in addition to CPSU cadre hierarchy and first time bound promotion after 4 years of service in all the cases as under a. Time bound promotion from E-5 to E-6 to the DGMs promoted from Gr."B" Executives: Director (HR) directed GM (Pers) to put up the case in next board meeting delinking it from HR Plan after the approval of the competent authority. b. Date of effect of Implementation of revised upgraded IDA Pay Scales for the Executives w.e.f. 1.10.2000 on notional basis: GM (Pers) informed that the matter is under consideration to GM (Estt). Director (HR) directed GM (Estt) to clear the case at the earliest in same line of JAO. c. Amendment in BSNL MSRRs of EE (Civil/Electrical/Arch): TELEWAVE Page-26 SEPTEMBER-2015
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