Page 32 - TELEWAVE JUNE-2016
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2.7 Allowing to contest to hold same Office Bearer post at same level more than three consecutive terms: 4th AIC Nasik has allowed Comrade Prahlad Rai, GS and Comrade C.M. Saste, OS (West) to contest to hold same Office Bearer Post at same level for the 4th consecutive term by amendment of constitution. 2.8 Membership verification of the Executives Association in BSNL:  At Present all the registered Associations of Executives’ under Society act are enjoying the trade union facilities in BSNL. However, after verification of their membership only one Executives’ Association will be recognized and the 2nd one will be the supporting Association.  After the notification of Membership verification of the executive Association, AIBSNLEA and AIGETOA signed MOU in July, 2014 to move together unitedly for resolving the HR issues of BSNL executives and to face the referendum. AIGETOA decided to vote and support AIBSNLEA in the process of referendum. Thereafter AIBSNLEA and AIGETOA has conducted joint CWC meetings at Hyderabad in August, 2014 and at Kolkata in August, 2015 and the joint CHQ office bearers meeting at New Delhi on 13th April, 2016 to discuss and finalize the strategies for the settlement of pending HR issues and membership verification of executive Associations. AIGETOA has also decided hold their AIC along with 5th AIC of AIBSNLEA at Mysuru with a common OPEN SESSION to further strengthening the unity of AIBSNLEA and AIGETOA.  All the Organization Secretaries and Circle secretaries may brief the status of membership in their areas and the efforts being made to increase the membership along with AIGETOA. The strategies to mobilize and ensure more and more members enrollment, this AIC may discuss in detail and finalize the future course of actions.  BSNL Management earlier decided to conduct referendum in December, 2014 but due to stay order granted by Hon’ble High Court Bangalore against the referendum filed by one welfare association BASE registered under Trade Union Act, the referendum has been deferred to May-2016.  Now BSNL Management has decided to break through the stalemate in the referendum process and decided to conduct the referendum for the majority executive Association in the month of September, 2016. The terms & conditions have been notified on 25th May, 2016.  BSNL Corporate Office SR cell vide Letter No. BSNL/9-1/SR/2014 dated 25th May, 2016 issued amendment to the BSNL (Recognition of Executives Association) Rules, 2014 that is “5(1) The Association shall be registered either under the Societies Act or under the Trade Union Act with its constitution/Memorandum of Association duly approved by the concerned Registrar. Similarly, any amendment in their constitution/memorandum of Association shall require approval of the Registrar concerned”.  AIBSNLEA vide letter No: AIBSNLEA/CHQ/GM (SR)/2016 dated 2nd June, 2016 addressed to GM(SR) regarding necessary provisions which are absolutely essential for conducting the membership verification of Executive Associations in BSNL Electronically with secrecy. (Annexure - I). GM (SR) has assured to examine the proposals. However, at present BSNL Corporate Office seems to conduct the membership verification through secret ballot paper conventionally as in the case of Non-Executive membership verification.  This AIC may review / discuss and decide the strategies to face the referendum process successfully so as to become number one Executive Association. 2.8 Regular Election of Branch/Circle Body of AIBSNLEA: In most of the Branches /Circles, AIBSNLEA have conducted elections to form regular body by convening Branch / Circle conferences. But some Circle Conferences are overdue i.e. NE-I, NE-II, JKD Circle, Himachal Pradesh, Uttatakhand and BRBRITT Jabalpur Circle and they are to conduct their Circle Conferences immediately. 2.9 Journal/Circular/Websites: The web site of AIBSNLEA provides all latest information regarding meetings with DoT Administration & BSNL Management for the benefit of the members and others. All-important communications made to DoT/BSNL Management and office orders are also promptly displayed on the web sites. TELEWAVE 32 JUNE-2016
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