Page 30 - TELEWAVE JUNE-2016
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Besides these promotions, still many issues remains unresolved which needs thorough and critical examination. These are related to modifications in BSNL MSRRs & Executives Transfer Policy, CPSU Cadre Hierarchy, Implementation of Standard IDA pay scales E2 to E7 IDA Pay Scales for BSNL executives, Anti-dating of DNI, Pay anomaly wherein seniors are drawing less pay than juniors, Grant of 5(five) advance increments on the minimum of revised E1 IDA pay scale of Rs. 16400-40500/- to JAO (Dept.) at par with directly recruited JTOs/JAOs, Restructuring of AD(O/L) Cadre, BSNL MRS and Implementation of DPE OM dated 02.04.2009 regarding 78.2% IDA fitment benefit to BSNL Pensioners, ITS officers absorption in BSNL etc. We are to discuss the status of HR issues related to various cadres, which have been taken up by AIBSNLEA at the appropriate level. Settlement of the issues is to be judged on proper perspective, so that the unresolved issues could be planned to get resolved expeditiously. On the organizational side, we can have critical examination of our strength and weakness regarding actual paid membership of the Association and efforts being made to increase the membership in view of forthcoming verification of Membership. The proper corrective measures, wherever necessary, could be planned. Ensure regular and timely election of Branch / Circle bodies to provide transparent and democratic organization. 5th AIC is to take stock of the status of the HR issues of various executive cadres taken by AIBSNLEA CHQ during the period. This All India Conference is being held at the most crucial period when BSNL is incurring losses for the last six years and may further face a loss in this year also however, the operative profit of BSNL is increased and continuous decline in Mobile, Landline and Broadband connections are arrested. BSNL's very existence and its viability is one of the important issues which need a thorough discussion. Performance of BSNL in all fronts is to be analyzed properly. We shall have to analyze, why the growth of BSNL is not up to our expectations and come out with concrete proposals to make BSNL a strong and viable Organization. Confidence building measures in customers shall have to be given priority. Strategies are to be evolved for more revenue generation and its collection. This conference may suggest reducing the operational cost and stoppage of unwanted expenditures. This conference should also decide the definite line of action to get resolve the long pending HR issues and burning items related to viability of BSNL. 2.0 In the beginning of this report, we may discuss the organizational status and activities of the association, mainly covering the period since November 2013 after 4th AIC at Nashik. 2.1 AIBSNLEA Foundation Day on 1st May: All India BSNL Executives Association was formally launched on 1st May’ 2004. The Foundation Day on 1st May is being celebrated by all the Circles / Branches throughout the country. CWCs Manali / Chennai and subsequent AICs decided mandatory to organize special General Body Meetings / Get Together / Cultural Programmes / Seminars etc. on the Foundation day by all the Circles / Branches. 2.2 Grant of Limited Trade Union facilities to AIBSNLEA: As per the decision of Kolkata convention, former GS, AIBSNLEA approached BSNL to grant applicant status/recognition to AIBSNLEA. Accordingly, BSNL vide its no. BSNL/31/SR/2002 dated 29.04.2004, conveyed formation of All India Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd. Executives’ Association (AIBSNLEA), consequent to merger of following 10 Associations: 1. Telecommunication Engg. Services Association, 2. All India P&T Accounts & Finance Service Officers’ Association, 3. All India Junior Telecom Officers Association, 4. All India P&T Civil Engineers Association (Gr. B), 5. P&T Electrical Engineers Association, 6. All India Junior Engineers Association, 7. All India P&T Architectural Wing association, 8. All India Telecom Stenographers Association, TELEWAVE 30 JUNE-2016
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