Page 31 - TELEWAVE JUNE-2016
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9. Akhil Bhartiya Doorsanchar Rajbhasha Association, 10. Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd. Executives Association (CTD). BSNL also extended some facilities to AIBSNLEA i.e. Notice Board, telephone facilities as per existing procedures, immunity from transfer as per existing rules, granting of informal meetings by the administration and the facility of special casual leave as per existing procedure. The former GS, AIBSNLEA and GS, TESA (I), vide letter no. TESA/CHQ/CMD/2008/01 dated 26.06.2008 wrote to Director (HRD) BSNL regarding corrective action to remove the confusion created consequent to issue of BSNL letter No. BSNL/31/SR/2002 dated 29.04.2004 in regard to status of Telecommunication Engineering Services Association (I) after formation of AIBSNLEA. He mentioned that AIBSNLEA never conveyed that formation of this Association is by the way of merger of 10 Associations. Thus, use of the word “merger” has been made by BSNL at its own giving the scope for confusion over the matter and has requested to issue a corrigendum to the above quoted letter No. BSNL/31/SR/2002 dated 29.04.2004 and other subsequent letters. In this connection, we explained the position to the BSNL Management and DOT administration. The merger of 10 DoT Associations was confirmed many times by first and former GS AIBSNLEA in National Convention Kolkata, CWC Bhopal and 1st AIC Hyderabad wherein the position was cleared to BSNL Management by him to their full satisfaction. BSNL Management did not issue any clarification in this regard. 2.3 Emblem/Flag of the Association: The Emblem of the Association was designed by Shri Danial Karkee, SDE, Kolkata TD. The design of the Association Flag is partially (1/3rd) Blue (towards mast) and partially (2/3rd) White. The emblem has been fixed in the centre of the white portion. The size of the flag is 2’ (wide) x 3’ (long). In case, larger flag is required, it may be increased proportionately. The ratio between blue and white portion is 1:2. 2.4 Membership: The paid membership of the Association is now as against ...... recorded at the time of 4th AIC at Nashik. All Circles / Branches should ensure immediate remittance of CHQ Quota up-to May 2016. Efforts should be made to clear the CHQ quota regularly on monthly payment basis. The paid membership reflects the strength of the organization and good financial position gives boost to the organizational activities. The Circle/Branch Secretaries are to give special attention on regular collection of subscription and remittance of quota. Still there is sufficient scope to increase the membership. As per the amendments made to the constitution in AIC Nashik, the monthly contribution towards membership was enhanced from the existing Rs.50/- to Rs.80/- at the ratio of CHQ Rs.40, Circle Rs.20 and Branch Rs.20. The date of effect was to be decided after the membership verification of the Executive Associations. This AIC may consider revising monthly contribution with immediate effect i.e. from 1st October 2016. Circle Wise Total strength of Executives is 41424 as per ITPC / ERP Data. All the Circle Secretaries have been provided the list of executives working in their circle. Accordingly they have to submit their Circle Secretary’s report to 5th AIC. 2.5 Contribution towards legal fund: To protect the interest of the members, through the legal means, as and when required, we need to spend substantial amount to defend the cases e.g. ITS Deployment Case, Seniority cases of Group- ‘B’ level Executives’, to get the stay order vacated against DPCs taken by some groups etc. The 3rd CWC at Guwahati after Kolkata AIC and subsequently AIC at Nashik had decided to collect Rs.200/- each member in legal fund but many circles are yet to deposit the fund and some more legal cases may be filed soon. Therefore, it is requested to all the Circle / Branch Secretaries to ensure collection of Rs.200/- from each member as one time arrangement and deposit it to CHQ for creation of a separate legal fund. 2.6 Increase in the Circle / Central Office Bearers: BSNL corporate Office SR Cell vide letter no. BSNL/1- 1/SR/2006 Dated the 9thMarch 2007 has revised the limit of 15 Office Bearers of the existing Unions in BSNL i.e. Central HQs. level – 25, Circle Level -21 but the Executive Associations are not allowed to increase the limit of 15 office bearers. 2nd AIC at Jaipur decided to elect six advisors and 3rd AIC at Kolkata decided to elect 7 Advisors by amending the constitution and the same has been communicated to BSNL Corporate Office and Registrar of Societies. TELEWAVE 31 JUNE-2016
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