Page 29 - TELEWAVE JUNE-2016
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ALL INDIA BHARAT SANCHAR NIGAM LIMITED EXECUTIVES’ ASSOCIATION Central Head Quarters, New Delhi th Report of the General Secretary placed in the 5 All India Conference of th th AIBSNLEA held on 17 June, 2016 to 19 June, 2016 at Senate Bhavan, University of Mysuru, Manasa Gangothri, Chamraja Mohalla, Mysuru – 570006 (Karnataka) Respected President and Dear Comrades, We are meeting here at heritage city Mysuru, the capital city of the kings of the Wodeyar dynasty for the 5th All India Conference of All India Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd. Executives’ Association, after the 4th All India Conference held at Nashik (Maharashtra) on 10th, 11th and 12th November 2013. This Association was got registered under the Societies Registration Act 1860 on 24th December 2002. The Association was, formally launched on 1st May 2004. In this AIC, we shall unfold those pages that are objective assessment of the efforts that have initiated and the result that could be achieved. We may also like to decide here the future plan of actions. In this report, effort is being made to incorporate all the issues of importance to have useful discussion. This AIC is being held at the most crucial period at Mysuru when BSNL is struggling to turn around and to achieve its pristine glory. After the 4th AIC at Nashik in November 2013, the representatives of AIBSNLEA met at the following occasions: 1. Central Office Bearers & Advisors meet at New Delhi on 12th and 13th July, 2014. 2. Central Working Committee Meet at Hyderabad on 21st, 22nd and 23rd August, 2014. 3. Central Office Bearers, Advisors & Circle Secretaries meet at New Delhi on 25th and 26th February, 2015. 4. Central Working Committee Meet at Kolkata on 25th and 26th August, 2015. 5. Central Office Bearers & Advisors meet at New Delhi on 12th and 13th April, 2016. After all these meetings, the resolutions were immediately submitted to the BSNL Management and DoT administration for the settlement. All the issues of importance have been discussed in the informal / formal meetings with Secretary DoT/CMD BSNL/Director (HR) and other dignitaries of DoT/BSNL. On our continuous efforts & persuasion, all the CPCs, except a few which are held up due to ongoing court cases, could be held to fill up the vacant DGM (JAG) / STS Group -'A' posts on adhoc / regular basis & Group - 'B' grades on regular basis, regularization took place of STS Group -‘A’ level executives working on adhoc basis, CPCs to fill up vacant DGM (Telecom / Finance) and SE (C/E) Posts were held and promotion orders were issued. Promotion orders issued to fill up SAG/HAG level posts in BSNL by absorbed Group-‘A’ officers, AIBSNLEA’s sincere efforts yielded result in getting released the long awaited promotion orders of about 700 DGM (Telecom Engineering) vacant posts. The pay anomaly case of JAO 2010 Batch, Regularization of Officiating JTOs, JTOs Officiating Pay fixation under FR 22 (1) (a) (i), 3% pay fixation benefit on Time Bound Promotion and further pay fixation with 3% on DNI under EPP, E2 to E7 IDA Pay Scale implementation proposal got approved from BSNL Management Committee and now being sent to DoT for approval, PPS Post creation in field units and Sr. PPS Post creation in BSNL Corporate Office orders were issued, Restructuring of AD (O/L) cadre proposal is being submitted to BSNL Management Committee shortly. Superannuation benefit to DR BSNL employees with 3% contribution from BSNL has been approved by the BSNL Board and sent to DoT for ratification. Likewise some more HR issues are in pipe line for settlement. Still sufficient vacancies in SDE/AO, DE/CAO, DGM/SE, GM posts remain unfilled. This AIC shall be discussing and decide time bound action plan to get the issues sorted out. TELEWAVE 29 JUNE-2016
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