Page 34 - TELEWAVE JULY-2016
P. 34
The following guidelines should be scrupulously followed while the recommending/processing the cases of deputation to outside organization: i. Deputation will be permitted only in the grades/ cadres in which posts are filled up to 90% of the sanctioned strength. ii. Deputation in any grade shall be restricted to 5% of the sanctioned strength in the grade and will be considered on first-come-first-serve basis. iii. Not more than two applications for deputation would be forwarded in a year i.r.o. any employee. iv. Deputation shall be allowed for maximum period of three years and may be extended to a maximum of 5 years. v. Not more than one tenure of deputation would be allowed in the entire career. vi. The employee should have completed at least 10 years of service in BSNL. vii. The application should come through proper channel with the recommendation of Unit Head / Circle Head as the case may be. viii. All Deputation cases, right from the stage of forwarding the applications to the organisations to which the BSNL's employee wishes to apply shall be forwarded to the respective Cadre Controlling Section in BSNL CO with the recommendation of respective CGM/Head of the Circle for administrative approval. ix. Cases of deputation of executive & non-executive would require prior approval of CMD and Director [HR] respectively for cadre clearance. x. Deputation will be allowed to the Organisations related to Telecom Services/Infrastructure organisations preferably for DOT, BBNL, TRAI, TCIL, TDSAT, RAILTEL or similar organisations on formal basis. xi. Deputation is aimed at enriching the employee who in turn will enrich the Company. Any negotiation with the borrowing organisation for absorption therein shall be taken as 'unethical' and be viewed adversely. xii. On completion of deputation, the employee will be allowed to re-join BSNL upon presentation of proper release order from borrowing organisation to the cadre controlling authority. xiii. Cases of deputation of executive & non-executive would require prior approval of CMD and Director (HR) respectively for cadre clearance. 5. No lien of an employee shall be retained: i. Where an employee has proceeded on immediate absorption basis to a post or service/cadre/post in the other organisation from the date of absorption; and ii. On foreign service/deputation beyond the maximum limit of 3 years without the approval of competent authority. iii. A resignation from the service or post entails forfeiture of entire past qualifying service for pensionary benefits i.e. pension and gratuity. The exception is technical resignation (deemed retirement) which does not result in forfeiture of past service. iv. In cases, where BSNL employee applies for a post in another organisation through proper channel and on selection, is required to resign the previous post, will be treated as Deemed retired and the benefit of past service rendered in DOT/BSNL, is given for the purpose of pension under Rule 37 A CCS Pension Rules, 1972. v. In case of employees who are covered under BSNL employees gratuity trust rules (which is in accordance with the payment of gratuity Act 1972), the payment of gratuity will be made as per the provisions of Trust rules. 6. Proforma Promotion TELEWAVE 34 JULY-2016
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