Page 29 - TELEWAVE JULY-2016
P. 29
3. No. AIBSNLEA/CHQ/CMD/2015-16 dated 19.01.2016 4. No. AIBSNLEA/CHQ/CMD/2015-16 dated 24.02.2016 Your kind attention is invited to our letters cited above by which an incident of fatal harassment of womanhood occurred in the office of CGMT, Kerala on 1-9-2015, was brought to your kind notice. Besides above, kindly recall our detailed discussions on the issue also. But, with deep sorrow it is mentioned here that the actions of the circle administrations are completely contrary to our expectations and totally against the principles of natural justice and also against the law. Smt. V.K.Sobha, SDE, a lady member and a former Branch Secretary of AIBSNLEA Circle Office Branch, is a victim of sexual harassment while on duty and is facing extreme discrimination from the BSNL authorities handling the case of sexual harassment of women at workplace. The rules and guidelines prescribed by Government of India with regard to handling of such a harassment case are not followed by the BSNL in her case mainly because of the reason that the accused in her case are leaders of a prominent trade union within BSNL. In this case, now the authorities favor the accused and justice is denied to our member. The culprits once transferred out to distance SSAs by the previous CGM have been brought back to their original stations by the subsequent CGM and on the other hand the victim (our member) is under order of shift from her present post as per the desire and interest of the leadership of the trade union of the accused. The hands of our rival association also worked behind this and the head of circle himself dared to admit openly that the administration issued the impugned transfer order only as per the demand of the above said union /association. This is a big blow to the morale of female members of this association. Under the above circumstances, we have no other way but to move along the path of agitation for protecting the legitimate interests of our members. We place the following demands before your kind honour for immediate settlement: 1. Implement the decision taken by the then CGM based on the preliminary inquiry report of the ICC, without any modification, in connection with the transfer of accused officials. All the accused officials may be sent out of SSA. 2. Instruct the concerned officers to get the final inquiry from the ICC and implement it in its true spirit. 3. Cancel the current transfer order issued to the victim lady officer on 19.05.2016 and ensure required protection to her as well as all the witnesses in this case. Permit her to continue in the existing post itself till the final settlement of al complaints lodged by her in this regard. 4. Ensure an atmosphere which is free from fear, humiliation and sexual harassment. Protection may be given to the victim against transferring from present post till the end of all the criminal proceedings in connection with this. Now the witness in this case also communicated their worries and apprehensions about their transfer. They are also expecting transfer to faraway places. This will adversely affect the Inquiry process. 5. Even though the complainant is entitled to get the copy of the report of the ICC, it is not given to her even after making repeated requests. Please instruct the officer concerned to implement the act fully and maintain transparency with the victim and give the copies of this report and future reports also. Sir, As the circle administration is still continuing a negative stand in the above cited genuine demand raised by Kerala Circle repeatedly, our Kerala Circle is constrained to go for the following agitation program in Kerala to mark our protest and draw attention of the authorities concerned: 1. A lunch hour demonstration in front of all SSA level offices of Kerala Circle and Circle office of Kerala on 25.07.2016. 2. One day "Dharana" in front of the Circle office of Kerala on 01.08.2016. 3. Indefinite non-cooperation and Work According to Rule from 01.08.2016 onwards. A copy of the letter given by our Circle Secretary of Kerala to CGMT Kerala Circle is enclosed herewith for ready reference. TELEWAVE 29 JULY-2016
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