Page 27 - TELEWAVE JULY-2016
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Associations / Unions. AIBSNLEA as well as the Forum of BSNL Unions and Associations opined that the report is being studied and discussed in detail before taking any decision. 15. Special recruitment drive for hard tenure/shortfall circles of JTOs/JAOs: After giving Organizational Actions program by the United Forum of AIBSNLEA and AIGETOA and on the intervention of CMD BSNL, it was informed that the recruitment has been announced to cater to all Rule 8 cases based upon the inputs received from circles. 16. 3rd Pay Revision Committee (PRC): Ministry Of Heavy Industries And Public Enterprises, Department of Public Enterprises, on dated 9th June, 2016 published a resolution in the extraordinary publication of the Gazette of India vide number No. W-08/0005/2016-DPE (WC) recognizing that in the prevailing business environment in the country and in the world, the Central Public Sector Enterprises (CPSEs) have to be commercially viable and competitive, and that the employees of the CPSEs have to be provided with suitable working conditions, emoluments and incentives to motivate them to strive for further growth, productivity and profitability of their enterprises, the Government of India has decided to review and revise the existing structure of salary and emoluments of the CPSE executives. The terms of reference of the Committee are follows: The Committee will review the structure of pay scales, allowances, perquisites, and other benefits for the following categories in CPSE taking into account the salary, emoluments, incentives and other benefits (including non-monetary benefits) available to them and suggest changes which may be desirable, feasible and affordable: (i) Board level functionaries (ii) Below board level executives (iii) Non-unionized supervisory staff The Committee will make its recommendations to the Government within a period of six months from the date of its constitution and have its headquarters in Delhi. The decision of the Government on the recommendations of the Committee will take effect from 1.1.2017. We request BSNL Management to use its whole heartedly efforts for getting the maximum benefits for its employees from the 3rd PRC. AIBSNLEA has already submitted the reply on 3rd PRC questionnaire to BSNL Corporate Office for further necessary action. Issue of IDA Pension Revision of BSNL/MTNL Pensioners: On the issue of IDA Pension Revision of BSNL/MTNL Pensioners just after the notification of 3rd PRC report by Govt. and delinking this from the revision of Pay scales of BSNL/MTNL serving employees. We met Jt. Secretary DOP&W and requested to consider IDA Pension revision of BSNL Pensioners also in the same manner of Central Govt. Pensioners revision of Pension through DOP&W. The Jt. Secretary, DOP&W informed that the Cabinet Note for revision of IDA Pension of BSNL/MTNL Pensioners will be prepared and moved by DOT only as happened after 2nd PRC. Hence, matter has to be taken up with DOT for revision of IDA Pension after 3rd PRC report is notified by Govt. We request BSNL Management to use its whole heartedly efforts for getting the maximum benefits for its retired employees from the 3rd PRC 17. Improvement in the revised policy for service GSM, RSTC & Broadband to Executives: (a) Enhancement of 200 free calls limit per month on RSTC, & enhancement of free call limit on GSM Telephone connection to STS level officer from 500 calls to 700 calls. (b) Rent free Broadband service connection to all Executives with BSNL 750 plan. Sr. GM (Admn.) has processed the case to the competent authority for rent free Broadband connection. (c) All the BSNL executives should be provided GSM Handsets of the cost of Rs.3000/- Rs. 4000/- &Rs 5000/- to the JTO/SDE/DE level executives instead of Rs, 1500/- , Rs 2500/- Rs 3500/- respectively. (d) All Executives’ should be allowed CUG facility on RSTC at circle level. (e) 3G Mobile service to all Executives has been allowed with free data service. All the issues have been taken up with Dir (HR) for necessary action. TELEWAVE 27 JULY-2016
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