Page 37 - TELEWAVE AUGUST-2015
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Corporate Office. This method does not exist in any of the PSUs and also does not exist for any other cadres in BSNL. Common RRs for field units Stenographers, PAs & PSs and corporate office stenographers, P.As and PSs should be there.  Holding of LICE to fill up the post of PAs from stenographers. The R.R. of the P.As are being modified with the reference to the percentage of marks to be obtained at par with R.Rs of other disciplines. The LICE will be held only after modifying the R.R.  Introduction of Promotion Policy for Stenos (Dying cadre): There are about 168 Stenographers working throughout the country in the field units of BSNL. Out of these 168, majority of the stenographers have completed more than 12 years and is placed in the pre- revised executive pay scale of 9850 & 11875 as the case may be at par with PA/PS. The Stenographers who have been granted ACP in the executive pay scale ceased to be non- executives as per BSNL HQ order No. 1-22/2009-PAT (BSNL) dated 30.04.2009, yet the status attached to the pay scale has not been accorded to them. Promotion policy for non- executives has also been notified now. The only cadre which has been kept outside the purview of both the promotion policies is the Stenographers (dying cadre). Neither Executive Promotion Policy nor Non-Executive Promotion policy has been made applicable to this small group of Stenos drawing executive pay scale. If no promotion policy is implemented, there is no scope of any promotion for these stenographers other than getting an increment as per th modified ACP as recommended by the 6 Pay Commission for the Central Govt. Employees which has been implemented in BSNL also. th  BSNL CO Vide No.15-07/2011-Pers.II Dated 18 August 2015 issued clarification in respect of implementation of policy guidelines issued by BSNL Corporate Office in respect of PA/PS of BSNL field units wherein wrong implementation of EPP guidelines /restructuring order /ACP orders issued by BSNL CO are required to take corrective measures which will cause heavy recoveries AIBSNLEA has strongly oppose such arbitrary and unjust recovery orders. (Annexure – II)  Pay protection of the PA /PS in the Kerala Circle: The case of pay protection of the PA /PS in the Kerala Circle was pending for quite long time and the matter is in the CAT, Ernakulam. The matter was heard in person by the then CMD as per the direction of Hon. CAT. However, the speaking order issued after the personal hearing has not given any guidance to settle the grievance. The matter was pursued time and again and ensured that the recovery is not ordered in this respect. The case is in the CAT Erankulam, Kerala. A recent clarification issued by the corporate office in this on 18.8.2015 has already been taken up with the CMD and Director (HR). The matter is under persuasion. 3.11 Restructuring of AD (OL) Cadre: The committee constituted under the Chairmanship of Shri Harsh Wardhan Addl. GM (CP&M), BSNL C.O. has submitted the report to the competent authority to revise the pay scale of Rajbhasha Adhikari at par SDE/AO scale. The case is still pending with GM (Pers) to be put up to the competent authority for approval to introduce a new scale for Sr. HT may be NE-12 and to revise the pay scale of AD (OL) from E1A to E2A at par with SDE/AO. After the approval of competent authority, necessary orders will be issued. 3.12 Regularization of Postal JAOs: The process for regularization of postal JAOs was completed and regularization orders were issued. Now they are being considered for AO promotion. 3.13 New SDE RR: BSNL Management Committee has approved the SDE RR 2014, the BSNL Board approval is awaited. 3.14 Regularization of offg. JTOs: Hon'ble High Court of Punjab & Haryana at Chandigarh was pleased enough to close the Contempt of Court case COCP 1431/2008 against CMD BSNL & others filed by some petitioners in WPC 5608/2007 in the matter of diversion of DR quota JTO vacancies. TELEWAVE Page-37 AUGUST-2015
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