Page 36 - TELEWAVE AUGUST-2015
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SDE (TF) and the syllabus of LDCE has been notified. Also CPCs are being initiated to fill up the vacant SDE (TF)/AGM (TF)/DGM (TF) posts on seniority quota. (dd) CPC from JAG to SAG and SAG to HAG: The CPCs have been conducted to fill up about 16 SAG level posts and 8 HAG level Posts in Telecom Operations by BSNL absorbed ITS Officers and the ITS officers absorbed under Rule 37. Similarly the SAG/HAG level posts in Telecom Finance, Civil/Electrical/Arch/TF Engineering Wings are also being filled regularly. Further, under Rule 37 about 90 ITS officers have applied to join BSNL. 3.8 Declaration of AAO/Sr.AO/Sr.SDE as post based promotion: AAO/Sr.AO/Sr.SDE are to be treated Post based promotions as were treated in DOT for the purpose of counting of residency period under EPP. The matter is under active consideration to the committee comprising GM (FP), GM (EF) and DGM (Pers) 3.9 Withdrawal of the system/practice of Local Officiating Arrangement or Local Officiating Promotion in BSNL and Introduction of Look After arrangement by Executives: BSNL Corporate Office issued letter regarding withdrawal of the system/practice of Local Officiating Arrangement or Local Officiating Promotion in BSNL and Introduction of Look After arrangement by Executives having higher scales of pay w.r.t. temporary shortages in the grades/posts of SDE / DE/ DGM in Circles on 22.03.2013. We are demanding to restore earlier practice of local officiating arrangement as in the new system one executive has to perform duties of two posts one his original post and another his promotional post on looking after basis. Our executive thus remains over loaded moreover he does not get the designation of newly promoted post. Always he is mentioned as L/A. BSNL is yet to review the order. 3.10 Grievances of PA/ Stenographers’ cadre :  Creation of the Post of P.P.S. & Sr. P.P.S. in the field units: A committee under the chairmanship of Shri M.C. Chaubey, ED (CN), as Chairman consisting of Smt. Madhu Arora GM (Restg.) – Member, Smt. Smita Choudhary GM(EF) – Member, and Shri Deepak Agarwal Addl. GM(pers.) Convenor has been constituted to consider the creation of the posts of PPS and Sr. PPS in the field units at par with the BSNL Corporate Office. The committee in its meeting has demanded certain information related to the number and the present pay scales of PAs/PSs. The same has already been called for from the field units. Upon receipt of the data the committee will hold its meeting to consider the case.  Post based promotions for P.A/P.S: With restructuring and declaring the cadre of stenographers as ‘dying cadre’, the entry cadre is now Personal Assistants (Executive) with only one promotional avenue available as P.S., as against executives of other streams viz. JTO / JAO having promotional avenue upto the level of G.M. and above. In order to reach at least at the level of SG JAG (E-6) before retirement, we suggested the following post based promotion for the Personal Assistants:-  All the posts of Stenographers, Personal Assistants and Personal Secretaries may be pooled together and placed in the ratio of 40% (E-1) PA, 40%(E2) P.S. and 20 %(E3) PPS.  As per the recommendations of the H.K. Gupta Committee, all the HAG level officers may be provided with secretarial assistance at the level of E-4.  All Officers (PA/PS/PPS) who are in E-4 scale for a period of 5 years or have completed 23 years of service from the date of entry in the cadre may be promoted to E-5.  All officers who have been promoted to E-5 and have completed a minimum period of 3 years may be placed in E-6.  Common Recruitment Rules & Nomenclature: Different Recruitment Rules for Stenographers, PAs and PSs have been issued by Corporate Office for field units and TELEWAVE Page-36 AUGUST-2015
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