Page 40 - TELEWAVE AUGUST-2015
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However members may note the actual financial position as per the 60:40 fund sharing for last 5 years from the following table: Year Divdnt Corp. Service Excise License Total 60% of Pension Tax Tax Duty Fee Total Payment 2009- 10 Not 1935.00 2914.68 37.75 2154.10 7041.53 4224.91 2987.18 paid 2010-11 Not 479.87 2355.13 8.20 1671.05 4514.25 2708.55 3522.81 paid 2011-12 Not 456.04 2412.38 4.91 608.16 3481.49 2088.89 4822.98 paid 2012-13 Not 392.35 2899.18 5.30 437.10 3733.93 2240.35 5685.13 paid 2013-14 Not 196.12 2871.80 2.88 636.52 3707.32 2224.39 5657.03 paid All amount in crores 3) FUTURE PENSION REVISION OF IDA PENSIONERS: The pension of CDA pensioners gets revised at the interval of 10 years automatically as per the recommendations of the central pay commissions. But for IDA pensioners till now the Pay Review Committees (PRCs) do not recommend nd anything as it was not mentioned in their terms of references. After pronouncement of 2 PRC, we have seen that for implementing the recommendations DOT has to take separate cabinet approval for 68.8% IDA merger and for 78.2% IDA merger it is still under process. DOT initiated the process only after the recommendations are implemented in BSNL for serving employees. For CDA pensioners the pension revision takes place on the strength of specific recommendations of CPC. The same system should be for the BSNL absorbees also but unfortunately this was not mentioned in the terms and conditions at the time of absorption and no one taken a note of it that time. Now in view of the fact that BSNL constantly making loss year after year and there is no sign of recovery, and also rd for the reason that 3 PRC is due next year, we have to explore the means and ways to protect at least our pension and its revision as per other government employees. I put forward the present proposal for consideration of the house.  We should immediately start negotiations with DOT and DPE so that pension revision for IDA rd pensioners be included in the terms and references of 3 PRC.  Although the recommendations of PRC is only for the executives, but DOT should implement the same recommendations for NON executive IDA pensioners also.  In the event of the recommendations of 3 PRC not implemented for serving executives by rd BSNL, the pay last drawn at the time of retirement has to be notionally fixed by implementing the latest PRC recommendation and Pension and pensionary benefits has to be calculated as per the revised notional pay. The same process has to be applied for non-executives also.  For implementation of the above proposals AIBSNLEA should mobilize the opinion of other Unions/Associations in BSNL and also in MTNL including pensioners Associations. We have already written one letter to Secretary DOT, requesting to write to DPE for inclusion of rd pension revision as terms and reference for 3 PRC. 5.20 Two weeks of training to executives whose pay is upgraded and on every promotion under EPP: AIBSNLEA's consistent efforts yielded result in getting released the letter no. 32-27/2004- TELEWAVE Page-40 AUGUST-2015
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