Page 33 - TELEWAVE AUGUST-2015
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3.7 CPCs to fill up the vacant JAG, STS Group ‘A’ & Group ‘B’ Grade posts in BSNL on adhoc/ Regular basis : (a) JTO (T) to SDE (T) CPC against seniority cum fitness quota: As per the clarification received from DOP&T through DoT, the vacancy position of LDCE quota and seniority quota has been re- calculated for the years 2009-10, 2010-11, and 2011-12 now the CPC process has started to fill up about 6612 SDE (T) posts. The ACRs/VCRs of eligible JTO (T) to SDE (T) promotions have already been received in BSNL CO. The promotion orders will be issued only after the stay order is vacated by Hon’ble CAT Bench Ernakulum. AIBSNLEA is impleaded in the case. (b) LDCE from JTO (T) to SDE(T): GM (Rectt.), BSNL C.O. has been informed by Pers. Cell to notify LDCE against 1883 vacancies under 33% LDCE quota in respect of SDE (T) for the vacancy year 2010- 11(1287), 2011-12(273) and 2012-13(323). The syllabus of LDCE cleared by BSNL MC is pending for the approval of BSNL Board. After the approval of BSNL Board, the LDCE was held allowing JTOs of up to 2005 batch. The result is awaited. As soon as the result is declared another LDCE will be notified immediately. (c) CPC from SDE(T)/DE(Adhoc) to DE Regular: The CPC from SDE/DE(Adhoc) to DE(Regular) against the DE vacancies of the year 2011-12, 2012-13, 2013-14 were completed to fill up about 2523 DEs posts on regular basis in the month of August 2014. The breakup is 682, 379 & 1710 for vacancies year 2011-12, 2012-13 & 2013-14 respectively. All available about 2100 DEs Adhoc were promoted on Regular basis and about 500 SDEs were promoted as DE Regular, which has included some 1983 year JTO recruitment. Now, the vacancies in the cadre of DEs of the earlier years and of the year 2014-15 are calculated th about 1200. CPC has been initiated, ACRs/VCRs of the eligible SDEs were called from circles up to 15 August 2015 but till date many circles have not furnished the ACRs/VCRs to BSNL Corporate Office. st The CPC target has been decided to issue the promotion orders before 31 October 2015 by BSNL Corporate Office. (d) CPC form DE to DGM (Engg.) on Adhoc basis: BSNL Management approved to fill up 480 DGM Posts by giving one year relaxation in the eligibility criteria of four years DE service more than one year before. The CPC work has been initiated, some ACRs/VCRs are awaited & the CPC will be th further expedited. ACRs/VCRs of the eligible DEs were called from circles up to 15 August 2015 but till date many circles have not furnished the ACRs/VCRs to BSNL Corporate Office. The CPC target has st been decided to issue the promotion orders before 31 October 2015 by BSNL Corporate Office. Now the vacancies in DGM (Engg) cadre are 767 out of that 157 DEs from TES Gr B seniority list I to XVII will be promoted immediately before 30.09.2015 and the remaining DGM (Engg) vacant posts will be filled up before 31.10.2015. (e) CPC from DGM (Engg) Adhoc to Regular basis: The CPC from DGM (Adhoc) to DGM (Regular) is being initiated shortly to regularize about 100 DGMs (Adhoc). (f) Fixing of 1325 DEs posts for MT quota: The 1325 DEs posts of MT quota instead of 2650 DEs of MT quota has been fixed up by MC of BSNL Board and BSNL Board approved the proposal. BSNL MC has decided to fix up 25% (1325) of DEs posts (of 5300 DEs posts) for MT quota and 3975 DEs posts for departmental quota on seniority basis. However, the initial proposal was to fix up 1000 MT posts but MC decided to fix up 25% quota for MTs of total DEs sanctioned posts. It has ended the adhoc promotion in DE cadre. Similar action is requested for other disciplines also. (g) CPC from JAO to AO: CPC from JAO to AO was initiated long before and it was about to be completed to fill up about 1500 AOs vacant posts but mean while some JAOs filed case in Hon’ble Chandigarh CAT and availed stay order against CPC for proper implementation of SC-ST Roster as per Hon’ble Supreme Court judgment for considering backlog vacancies. Legal opinion was sought by the TELEWAVE Page-33 AUGUST-2015
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