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case may come for hearing and final judgment. He opined that on the next hearing, stay order may be vacated and thereafter, the membership verification process will resume. All the Circle/Branch Secretaries are requested to be prepared to face the membership verification process. We requested to allow option to exercise on promotion to the JTOs recruited under direct quota after technical resignation from TTA cadre as per DoPT guidelines and other PSUs HR policies. The feedback given by the AIBSNLEA will be now examined and shortly some decision will be taken in this regard. We requested to give early clearance to Pers Cell on notional Pay fixation w.e.f 01.10.2000 to all the up- graded pay scales. GM (Estt) mentioned that the matter is being examined on the basis of Dr. Vinay Shai committee report and the feedback given by this Association. She assured an early action in this regard. We requested for early settlement of Time bound promotion from E-5 to E-6 to the DGMs promoted from Gr."B" Executives. GM (Pers) assured to put up the case in next board meeting positively delinking it from HR Plan after taking the approval of the competent authority. We requested for early settlement of issue of Date of effect of Implementation of revised upgraded IDA Pay Scales for the Executives w.e.f. 1.10.2000 on notional basis.GM (Pers) informed that the matter is still under consideration to GM (Estt) and Estt cell is re-examining the case on the basis of Dr. Vinay Shai's, Ex. Jt. DDG (SEA) committee report. He assured and early action in this regard. We requested for early finalization of CPC from JTO to SDE (T) CPC against seniority cum fitness quota. GM (Pers) informed that the draft reply has already been sent to Kerala Circle for further submission to Hon'ble High Court Kerala and the Karnataka Circle is being reminded to furnish the desired information to Kerala Circle for onward submission to Hon'ble Court. As soon as the stay order is vacated from the Hon'ble HC Kerala, the CPC will be expedited and promotion order of 4000 SDEs will be issued immediately. GM (Pers) further mentioned that in the stay order granted by Hon'ble CAT Chandigarh on promotion from JTO to SDE Telecom has been clubbed with AO to CAO court case and one Advocate has been nominated to take legal opinion from ASG/SG on the issue of SC/ST roster implementations on promotions the meeting with the nominated Advocate to whom the brief has already been submitted by the Pers Cell. We extended thanks to GM (Pers) for issuing promotion orders from 11 SDEs to DE of the left out cases and requested to expedite the CPC from SDE to DE to fill-up about 750 DEs posts on regular basis. GM (Pers.) mentioned that about 300 ACRs / VCRs are received. However, Vigilance Cell is not giving clearance due to non-linking of HRMS No. with the Staff Numbers and all the circles have been requested to immediately provide the HRMS Numbers of the candidates belonging to their Circle along with the staff numbers. We requested to fill –up all vacant about 800 DGM posts immediately. GM (Pers) informed that CPC work is in progress from DE to DGM and about 300 DGM promotions can be issued before 31st October, 2015 in case the ACRs/VCRs of the concerned DEs are received in Pers Cell. (More than 186 VCRs have also been received). He assured that the next CPC to fill up remaining vacant DGM posts will be immediately initiated after issuance of the DE-DGM promotion orders in this month itself. We requested for early declaration of result for last LDCE and conduction of LDCE for promotion from JTO (T) to SDE (T) for the vacancy available till date. GM (Pers) informed that an expert committee has been constituted to examine the grievances of the candidates and now the Answer key has been finalized and will be published shortly. The result is being prepared but the results will be declared only after clearance from Hon'ble CAT Chandigarh on SC/ST roaster implementation on promotions. On the issue of immediate implementation of digital signature by all circles with respect to EPF cases settlement of BSNL recruited employees, resolution of all EPF Anomalies, and EPF contribution during training period; Director (HR) further mentioned that the anomalies in the EPF for direct recruit executives are being resolved and the EPF contribution during the training period is being paid. We requested Post based promotions for PA/PS, common recruitment rules and nomenclature and introduction of promotion policy for stenos (dying cadre).GM (Pers) informed that reports about number of posts in various circles have been received and case was presented before committee headed by ED (CN). The committee has asked certain more information which will also be supplied to them shortly. The committee constituted under the Chairmanship of Shri Harsh Wardhan Addl. GM(CP&M) BSNL CO. has submitted the report to the competent authority to revise the pay scale of Rajbhasha Adhikari at PAR with SDE/AO Scale. Shortly the case will be put up to the competent authority for approval. We have demanded to restructure the cadre by change of designation as AD(OL) and to ensure promotion up to DD(OL) STS Grade. We requested to segregate both the issues i.e. Up-gradation of AD (O/L) pay scale and creation of intermediate cadre at JTO level, after receiving the comments of Estt Cell. GM (Pers.) informed that the committee recommendation on restructuring of AD (OL) Cadre has again been sent to Estt Cell in view to re- TELEWAVE Page-54 SEPTEMBER-2015
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