Page 54 - TELEWAVE JULY-2016
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Pushparaj JTO (Trivandrum) Legal Coordinator, Com. P.Radhakrishnan JTO, CWC member of AIBSNLEA etc. All of them conveyed their firm willingness to add strength to AIBSNLEA and got enrolled as members in their respective SSA branches.. The Officiating JTO fraternity held an open-session of their historic gathering at the same venue at 4.00 PM on the same day, in which Com. Prahlad Rai, General Secretary AIBSNLEA, Com. K.N.Baby Rani, All India Vice- President-I, AIBSNLEA, Com. T.K.Mangalanandan Ex- Circle Secretary and Advisor to AIBSNLEA, Kerala Com.ShajiCircle Secretary AIBSNLEA, Kerala Circle and the entire Circle Executive Committee members of AIBSNLEA Kerala including District Presidents and Secretaries have been invited. Almost all the recently regularized Officiating JTOs of Kerala Circle and majority of the CEC members of AIBSNLEA from various parts of the circle. The AIBSNLEA leaders were welcomed by the participants with slogans "AIBSNLEA Zindabad " Com.Prahlad Rai Zindabad" etc. The session started at 4.00 PM with Com. P.Radhakrishnan (JTO Kannur & CWC member AIBSNLEA ) on the chair. Com. Harilal ( JTO Trivandum SSA ) welcomed the dignitaries on the dais and all the participants in the special function. Com. P.Radhakrishnan in his presidential speech made a special mention of the serious and active involvement of AIBSNLEA CHQ under the leadership of Com.Prahlad Rai and the circle body under the leadership of Com.T.K.Mangalanandan for the past several years for bringing out a fruitful end result in their battle for regularization of Officiating JTOs in BSNL. He expressed the wholehearted gratitude to the AIBSNLEA for and on behalf of all the officiating JTOs got regularized recently. He also remembered that the efforts made by Com.K.N.Baby Rani ,CHQ-Vice-President of AIBSNLEA was vital in their prolonged battle for achieving the deserved regularization. He also appreciated the support and patronage being bestowed by the present Circle Secretary Com. V.Shaji and his team in Kerala circle. Com.K.Pushparaj (JTO and legal-coordinator at Trivandrum) in his key-note address presented all burning issues still pending and haunting the HR field of officiating JTOs even after their regularization. He sought the full-fledged support and patronage of AIBSNLEA in settling all these genuine issues with regard to fixation of pay, seniority, promotional avenues etc. A memorandum on this matter accompanied by relevant documents was handed over to the General Secretary . He expressed his boundless thankfulness to the leaders of AIBSNLEA for their constant pursuance and support extended during the course of their struggle against injustice. The special gathering felicitated the CHQ and circle level leader of AIBSNLEA by presenting mementos as a symbol of their affection and gratitude . They also donated an amount of Rupees Fifty thousand being their donation to the legal fund of AIBSNLEA CHQ. Com. T.K.Mangalanandan, Former Circle Secretary and currently Advisor to AIBSNLEA, Kerala addressed the gathering and explained a brief history of the prolonged struggle we conducted against the injustice shown by certain vested interested groups who always tried to torpedo the Board's decisions to regularize the affected group. There had been a colluding group within the BSNL management, but we could bring it out and make the authorities fully convinced of the gravity and genuineness of the issue. This has finally led to the present achievement though it came belatedly. Even now there exists threats in the form of unwarranted court cases filed by frustrating groups, but we will defeat all such attempts with more vigour. Com. K.N.BabyRani ,CHQ Vice-President in her speech narrated the course of action taken by AIBSNLEA CHQ to make the regularization of all officiating JTOs a reality. The full-fledged support given by Com.Prahlad Rai, GS of AIBSNLEA was the main driving force. She added that the credit goes to the untiring and constant follow up done by members like Com. P. Radhakrishnan and Com.K.Pushparaj whose pursued the matter with a commendable will power. She requested all of the regularised JTOs to extend support to the mighty association AIBSNLEA and involve in the activities to make it the number one association in the ensuing referendum. Com. V. Shaji, Circle Secretary Kerala also welcomed them to the forefront of association activities. He appealed all the JTOs to strengthen AIBSNLEA. TELEWAVE 54 JULY-2016
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