Page 53 - TELEWAVE JULY-2016
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CIRCLE / BRANCH NEWS 1. Report of the CEC AIBSNLEA, Kerala Circle held on 16th July 2016 at 10.30 Hrs at AIBSNLEA Bhawan, Ernakulam: The Circle Executive Committee of AIBSNLEA, Kerala Circle was held at AIBSNLEA Bhawan, Ernakulam at 10.30 hours on 16th July 2016 under the chairmanship of Shri . Manoj, Vice President , Kerala Circle. The list of participants is annexed. The meeting commenced with silent prayer. The agenda was passed with the inclusion of an additional item viz., "Resolutions", after silent prayer. Sri. K. N. M. Nair, District Secretary of Ernakulam SSA ( Host welcomed all the members present. Shri. V. Shaji, Circle Secretary appraised the house that in the midst of apprehension among some of our members regarding the existence and continuance of our Association, there is happy news that some members of other executive unions are joined in AIBSNLEA in different SSAs recently. They enrolled as a new member of our Association and they are attending in our meeting. He narrated all the organizational activities of each SSAs with the present members ship details. On the arrival of the great leader of AIBSNLEA , Shri Prahalad Rai, All India General Secretary, the house salute him with standing ovation and a self introduction was held. Shri. Manoj, Vice President delivered his presidential speech. He recalled the step-by-step growth of our Association since its inception, the gains and losses and his experiences throughout the associational life. He reiterated the necessity of continuance of the association with improved vigor and vitality under the dynamic leadership of the new leadership which will come into effect in this meeting. In the report of Circle Secretary, he narrated each and every activities being carried out in the circle and all the pending issues at circle level and CHQ levels . Some of the items he touched upon follows . And service issues. The report is appreciated unanimously. Shri. Vijayakumar, Finance Secretary, Kerala Circle presented the status of the Receipts and payments accounts of the Association. He expressed that some SSAs are very poor in remittance of subscriptions as well as. However, some SSAs are deserves appreciation for their efforts to collect the monthly subscription up to 31.05.2016 and remit the quota to Circle Unit/CHQ. Sri. Mangalanandan, Advisor, Sri. Sebastain, CWC Member, Smt. Baby Rani, Vice President were given elaborated speech regarding the association activities as well as about the coming up referendum. Sri. Prahladrai, General Secretary has given a detailed speech regarding all the envious achievements our great association . In the hour long eloborative speech he ensured all the pending HR issue will be settled soon. He recalled the details mentioned in his report of AIC held at Mysure. The General Secretary urged all the Executives to act accordingly for the assured winning of united forum in the referendum . He also urged the house to take all out efforts to ensure a splendid victory for our association. Sri. John, D/P Ernakulam proposed Vote of Thanks and the meeting completed at 21.00 hours with dinner. 2. Report of the UF meeting of AIBSNLEA and AIGETOA , Kerala Circle on dated 17.07.2016 17th July 2016 at 10.30 Hrs at Hotel Paulson park Ernakulam: Meeting of the UF of AIBSNLEA and AIGETOA Kerala has been convened at Hotel Paulson park Ernakulam under the presidentship of V.Shaji , CS AIBSNLEA . Com. Prahlad Rai , GS AIBSNLEA and Com. Laksman CHQ President AIGETOA participated and addressed the meeting. A coordination committee of UF is also formed with members of AIBSNLEA and AIGETOA. Com. Laksman CHQ President AIGETOA elaborated all the issues of AIGETOA comrades and all direct recruiters . He urged to have a wide platform of DRs . He reminded the activities of UF. GS AIBSNLEA in is majestic speech explained all the victories carved out for the whole executive community of BSNL and action plans for going ahead to sort out pending issues. 3. Meeting of the recently regularised officiating JTOs in Kerala on 17.07.2016: About 250 officiating JTOs in BSNL Kerala circle who got absorbed recently as regular JTOs after a long wait as per JTO RR 2014 assembled in Ernakulam at " Renewal Centre Kaloor Kochi-17 " on 17-7-2016. There has been serious deliberations on their burning issues in the fore-noon session under the leadership of leaders like Com. K. TELEWAVE 53 JULY-2016
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