Page 46 - TELEWAVE JULY-2016
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pensioners. GM (A) informed that a proposal in this regard is already in pipe line as soon will be finalized and the orders will be issued. Meeting with Director (HR) on 28.07.2016: GS discussed with Director (HR) for consideration of 5 SDEs (Civil) transfer orders from NE-I and NE-II Circles to Assam Circle since they have completed their tenure of two years. Director (HR) instructed GM (Pers.) to discuss the matter with PGM (BW) for resolution. GM (Pers) discussed the matter with PGM (BW) and appraised him about the provisions of the transfer policy of All India Cadres for hard tenure circles. PGM (BW) agreed to issue transfer orders in respect of 3 SDEs (Civil) by tomorrow to the Assam Circle and the remaining SDE (Civil) transfer orders will be considered along with JTO (Civil) to SDE (Civil) promotion orders. GM (Pers) confirmed the discussion. Regarding Pay fixation and settlement of Pension of BSNL employees w.r.t. DoT letter No.61-7/2015-SU dated 5th Feb 2016, GM (Pers) informed that as per our Association letter dated 22.07.2016 and discussions with AST / JST (A) / DDG (PF) / Director (EF) DoT, it is expected to get a positive reply as informed during the discussions by JST (A) to GM (Pers.) GS attended and addressed the 2nd Circle Conference of All India Retired BSNL Executives’ Welfare Association in the CTO Auditorium, Eastern Court, New Delhi on 27.07.2016. Com GS in his address appraised in detail the efforts in the formation of AIRBSNLEWA to protect the interest of BSNL pensioners and for the settlement of their medical, pension and other personal claims etc. In true sense AIRBSNLEWA is safeguarding the interest of BSNL pensioners by settling their day to day problems of medical claims, Telephone bills/ BB facility and issues related to pension revision etc. Recently DOT issued 78.2% IDA pay fixation order for BSNL pensioners after continues struggle of AIBSNLEA and AIRBSNLEWA. The 60:40 sharing provision from pension Rule has also withdrawn after great efforts. It has strengthen the way for future pension revision of BSNL Pensioners. It is a great achievement of AIBSNLEA & AIRBSNLEWA. Director (HR) is holding meeting with AIBSNLEA and AIRBSNLEWA representatives tomorrow at 15.30 hrs. to discuss the issues related to BSNL pensioners Telephone/BB facilities, payment of medical bills through ERP etc. In this manner AIBSNLEA & AIRBSNLEWA are making sincere efforts for the settlement of the grievances of BSNL pensioners. In many circles the AIRBSNLEWA circle body have been formed but still some circles the circle bodies are to be formed. GS assured full co- operation in this regard. GS also informed that CGHS Medical facility orders from DOT to BSNL/MTNL pensioners are expected shortly. GS further assured fullest support to AIRBSNLEWA. The conference hall was jam packed. Meeting with GM (Pers.) BSNL Corporate Office on 27.07.2016: GS, FS, AGS (HQ) and CS (Haryana) met GM (Pers.) and discussed regarding: A. Consideration of tenure / request transfers of SDEs/DEs/DGMs: We expressed our serious concern against the delay in issuance of tenure / request transfers. GM (Pers.) mentioned that all the tenure / request transfers are being considered and some pending transfer orders will be issued shortly. B. CPC from JTO to SDE (T): GM (Pers.) informed that the reply in the Hon’ble High Court Kerala has been submitted and now the hearing is expected in the first week of August 2016. The BSNL's advocate from Kerala has reached to Delhi to discuss the matter with Sr. Advocate Shri R.D. Aggarwala tomorrow for an early settlement of the case. C. CPC from SDE (T) to DE (T) and AO to CAO: GM (Pers.) informed that the writ petition against the Hon’ble CAT Chandigarh judgement is being filed in the Hon’ble High Court Chandigarh. After the vacation of the stay orders the CPCs from SDE (T) to DE (T) and AO to CAO would be expedited. D. CPC from CAO to DGM (F): We requested that CPC work from CAO to DGM (F) is in advance stage in SEA cell of BSNL CO and most of ACRs/VCRs have already been collected. Hence, it should be allowed to be completed in BSNL CO itself instead of sending it to Circles for screening. GM (Pers.) appreciated our concern and assured to discuss the matter with GM (FP) for expediting the CPC here in BSNL CO only. TELEWAVE 46 JULY-2016
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