Page 43 - TELEWAVE JULY-2016
P. 43
Department of Pension & Pensioners Welfare has issued the formal orders for revision of central government pensioners. The said order says: 2.1 These orders shall apply to all pensioners/family pensioners who were drawing pension/family pension before 1.1.2016 under the Central Civil Services (Pension) Rules, 1972 7. (a) Where the Government servants on permanent absorption in public sector undertakings/autonomous bodies continue to draw pension separately from the Government, the pension of such absorbees will be updated in terms of these orders. <<>>> Meeting with GM (SR) on 03.08.2016: GS, Advisor (HQ) met GM (SR) BSNL Corporate Office and discussed regarding the status of applicant Associations in the forthcoming membership verification. GM (SR) informed that Ten Executives Associations have filed their nominations for taking part in the membership verification process. These applications are under scrutiny and final list of Applicant Associations will be circulated after the approval of competent authority shortly. Meeting with GM (FP) on 03.08.2016: GS, FS, AGS (HQ) and AGS (Fin) met GM (FP) BSNL Corporate Office, New Delhi and discussed regarding: A. CPC from CAO to DGM (Fin.): We requested to expedite CPC from CAO to DGM (Fin.). GM (FP) informed that CPC work is in progress. Most of the ACRs and about 300 VCRs have been received in SEA Cell. Shortly CPC will be expedited. He assured to issue promotion orders in this month itself. B. CPC from AO to CAO: GM (FP) confirmed that the Pers. Cell BSNL CO is going to file a Writ Petition in the Hon’ble high Court of Chandigarh shortly. After the vacation of the stay orders on promotions the CPCs from AO to CAO and JAO to AO will be expedited. C. Consideration of request / tenure transfer orders of AOs: We requested for consideration of requests for modification / cancellation of some transfer orders of AOs on genuine grounds. GM (FP) assured to consider the genuine cases. Meeting with GM (Pers.) on 03.08.2016: GS, AGS (HQ) met GM (Pers.) BSNL Corporate Office, New Delhi and extended thanks for modification of some DGM posting orders on promotion and acceptance of declination and also discussed regarding: A. CPC from JTO to SDE (T): We requested to expedite the CPC from JTO to SDE (T). GM (Pers.) mentioned that the MA has been filed in the Hon’ble High Court Kerala and the hearing is expected on 08th or 09th August 2016. He assured that as soon as the stay is vacated the CPC will be expedited. B. CPC from SDE to DE and AO to CAO: GM (Pers.) informed that a Writ Petition has been prepared and shortly will be sent to Punjab Circle to file in the Hon’ble High Court against the Hon’ble CAT Chandigarh judgment wherein BSNL has been restrained to issue the promotion orders from SDE to DE and AO to CAO. C. Circulation of the seniority lists of DEs and SDEs: We requested to circulate the seniority lists of DEs and SDEs (List No. 8) to the filed units from which the promotions orders have been issued by the BSNL Corporate Office. D. Restructuring of AD (OL) Cadre: We requested to pursue in DoT for early clearance on AD (OL) restructuring proposal approved by BSNL MC. GM (Pers.) assured to look into. DPC for promotion from CAO to the cadre of DGM (Finance) on 03.08.2016: The DPC for promotion from CAO to the cadre of DGM (Finance) on adhoc basis is held up due to want of APARs. List of Regular CAOs, whose APARs (CRs) and VCs is wanting as on 03.08.2016 for the CPC is attached. All the CHQ Office Bearers / Circle Secretaries / District Secretaries are requested to kindly make all out efforts for making available the pending APARs concerning to their Circle / District immediately for curtailment of delay in conducting CPC for the cadre of DGM (Finance). Nationwide protest demonstration during lunch hours on 03.08.2016 against the reported move of the NITI Aayog for making strategic sale in BSNL/MTNL: TELEWAVE 43 JULY-2016
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