Page 16 - TELEWAVE JUNE-2016
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8V(d) The convening of a General Body meeting The convening of a General Body meeting preferably once a year but on no account the preferably once a year but on no account the interval between conferences shall interval between conferences shall exceed twoyears. The convening of the CWC exceed threeyears. The convening of the CWC meeting excluding the pre-AIC CWC meeting, meeting excluding the pre-AIC CWC meeting, shall preferably be once in six months and at shall preferably be once in six months and at least once in a year. least once in a year. 8Vc(ii) Shall watch closely the interest of Shall watch closely the interest of all Circles / all Branchesof the Association and adopt such District / SSA of the Association and adopt measures as would go to advance and defend such measures as would go to advance and such interest of the Association whenever defend such interest of the Association considered necessary. whenever considered necessary. 8Vh(i) Shall co-ordinate the activities of the Other advisors, who are not confined to the Association in respective areas for overall areas/regions may function as per the Improvement of the organization direction of General Secretary. 8BI(a) Composition, Functions, Powers: Composition, Functions, Powers: Circle Executive Committee shall consist of the Circle Executive Committee shall consist of the following office-bearers to be elected in the following office-bearers to be elected in the Circle Conference/General Body Meeting: One Circle Conference/General Body Meeting: One President, Two Vice-Presidents, One Circle President, Two Vice-Presidents (one for BSNL Secretary, Four Assistant Circle Secretaries (one Direct Recruits), One Circle each for Telecom Engineering, Accounts & Secretary, FiveAssistant Circle Secretaries (one Finance, Civil/Electrical/ Architectural/ Telecom each for Telecom Engineering, Accounts & Factory and General Line Disciplines), Four Finance, Civil/Electrical/ Architectural/ Organizing Secretaries, One Financial Secretary Telecom Factory, General Line Disciplines and One Assistant Financial Secretary. The and BSNL Direct Recruits), Four Organizing Branch Presidents, Branch Secretaries and Secretaries, One Financial Secretary. The Central Working Committee members from the District/SSA Presidents, District/SSA Circle, if any, shall be ex-officio members. Secretaries and Central Working Committee Branches may also elect one Circle Executive members from the Circle, if any, shall be ex- committee members for every 100 paid officio members. District / SSA may also elect members. The Circle Conference/General Body one Circle Executive committee members for shall have power to reduce the number of every 100 paid members. The Circle posts. Conference/General Body shall have power to reduce the number of posts. 8CII(d) The Branch Committee shall collect The Branch Committee shall collect subscription, Keep accounts and remit quota as subscription, Keep accounts and remit quota under – as under – As per decision of representative council of As per decision of representative council of th th 4 AIC at Nashik, enhancement of Subscription 5 AIC at Mysore, monthly membership from Rs.50/- to Rs. 80/- at the ratio of 40 : 20: subscription of Rs.80/- unanimously passed by 20:. However, the date of effect is after the AIC at Nashik which was proposed to be membership verification. made effective after the membership verification has now been decided to increase to Rs.100/- with effect from the month of October 2016 with the ratio of CHQ 40/- : Circle 25/- : Branch 25/- : AIC fund 10/- irrespective of the membership verification. TELEWAVE 16 JUNE-2016