Page 1 - TELEWAVE JULY-2016
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Regd. DL(ND)-11/6158/2012-13-14 TELEWAVE A HOUSE JOURNAL OF ALL INDIA BHARAT SANCHAR NIGAM LIMITED EXECUTIVES’ ASSOCIATION NEWS FLASH Shri Manoj Sinha, takes over the charge of Minister of Communications on 06.07.2016. GS, FS, AGS (C/E/Arch/TF) and AGS (Fin.) met with Hon'ble Minister of States for Communications and felicitated him on assuming the high ofce of the MinisterofStatesforCommunicationsandassuredourfullest cooperation. United Forum of Executives' Associations comprising of AIBSNLEA and AIGETOA welcome and felicitated Shri Manoj Sinha, Hon'ble Minister of Communications on assuming the high ofce of the Minister of State for Communications, Govt. of India and requested to grant a meeting to apprise about the burning issues related to the executives working in BSNL on 28.07.2016. The proposal of restructuring of AD (OL) Cadre approved by BSNL MC has been sent to DoT for ratication on dated 19.07.2016. The DPC for promotion from CAO to the cadre of DGM (Finance) on adhoc basis is held up due to want of APARs. List of RegularCAOs,whoseAPARs (CRs) andVCsis wantingason19-07-2016 fortheCPCis availableonCHQSite. BSNL Corporate ofce issued order on 11.08.2016 regarding admissibility of House Rent Allowance at IDA Basic Pay with 78.2%tmentinrespectofExecutives andNon-Executives ofBSNL. BSNL Corporate ofce issued order on 08.08.2016 regarding release of results of the LICE for promotion from Group "C" to the grade of JAO under 40% quota held on 17.07.2016 along with the list of candidates who have secured minimum qualifyingmarks. BSNL Corporate ofce issued order on 05.08.2016 regarding regular promotion to the SDE(C) grade under Seniority cum tnessquota(67% quota). BSNL Corporate ofce issued order on 22.07.2016 regarding Promotion order in the grade of Architect (E4) on regular basis. DoT issued order on dated 18.07.2016 regarding release of long pending orders for Revision of pension of BSNL pensioners / family pensioners, who retired prior to 16.06.2013 by allowing the benet of merger of 50% DA/DR with Basic Pay/ Pension,effectivelyamountingto 78.2%DA/DRforthepurposeoftment. BSNLCorporateOfce declaredresulton08.07.2016 forLICEfromTTAto JTO(T). United Forum of Unions and Associations of BSNL and MTNL serves a notice to the Secretary (T), DoT for nationwide protestdemonstrationon03.08.2016againstthereportedmoveoftheNITI Aayogformakingstrategicsale in BSNL/MTNL. 7thPayCommissionGazetteNoticationissuedondated26.07.2016. BSNL Corporate Ofce issued order on 08.07.2016 regarding calling of VCRs of qualied candidates w.r.t. Limited DepartmentalCompetitiveExaminationforpromotiontothegradeofSDE(T) under33 percentquotaheldon21.06.2015. BSNL Corporate Ofce issued order on 08.07.2016 regarding IDA increased by 2.4%. The revised rate of IDA w.e.f. 01.07.2016 is 114.8%. AIBSNLEA WISHES A VERY HAPPY & PROSPUROUS INDEPENDENCE DAY , RAKSHA BANDHAN AND KRISHAN JANMASHTAMI TO ONE AND ALL Editor & Publisher CENTRAL HEAD QUARTERS PRAHLAD RAI VOL.-11, ISSUE - 6 CH-17-2-15, General Secretary JULY-16 P&T, Chemmery Staff Quarters, Atul Grove Road, (Restricted to Members Only) E-mail : New Delhi-110001