Page 28 - TELEWAVE MAY-2016
P. 28
UNITED FORUM WRITES 1. Subject: Minutes of the meeting taken by Director(HR) on 26.04.2016 with Executives Associations regarding replacement of E1A and E2A IDA pay scales by E2 and E3 IDA pay scales for JTOs and SDEs as recommended in the Khan Committee report. Kindly refer to your office letter number OSD to Director (HR)/Minutes May 4th , 2016 on the subject cited above. In this regard we intend to modify the recorded deliberation on behalf of AIBSNLEA and AIGETOA (Para-3) of the aforesaid letter to the extent as given below: Please delete the phrase "a subsequent to replacement of E2A scale of SDE by E3 scale, there is no justification for further continuing with Sr. SDE scale (E3) in between SDE scale of E3 and higher scale of E4. Accordingly, they demanded that SDEs holding the scale of E3 may be allowed time bound up- gradation in the E4 scale of DE/AGM on completion of 5 years of service without routing it through Sr. SDE scale of E3 again." And, in place of it kindly add the phrase "AIBSNLEA and AIGETOA representatives expressed their view that their forum has been discussing the issue in isolation only and it is the management side which has been linking up the replacement of non-standard scales with CPSU hierarchy. As per their view, the implementation of Khan Committee Recommendations for replacement of E1A scale with E2 and E2A scale with E3 be done immediately as it requires no further discussion and the issue has already been deliberated at length. The implementation of Khan Committee report does not require any changes in EPP as EPP envisages first time bound upgradation in 4-6 years and subsequent upgradations in 5 years and the same is not being affected by these implementations by replacement of the scales. Nowhere in EPP, any criteria of 15 years to reach DE scale exists rather as per prevalent RRs, the minimum time stipulated for functional promotion from JTO to DE is 10 years (3 years from JTO to SDE and 7 years from SDE to DE). Further, there is no cascading effect as such as being projected by management side as AIBSNLEA and AIGETOA is asking for replacement of first two scales (E1A and E2A with E2 and E3 respectively) and time bound promotions for all which has no cascading effect. There is no justification for keeping any executive in a single scale for 10 years which will lower the motivation level of all the executives and will also discourage new recruits to join BSNL. As far as Sr. SDE post is concerned, that does not exist in BSNL as of now as all the executives who got time bound promotion in E3 scale after implementation of EPP has never been designated as Sr. SDE while in functional promotion, the channel of promotion is from SDE to DE. So they are not demanding anything which is contradictory to either Khan Committee Recommendations or the promotion policy. Khan Committee in its recommendations has been stressing on functional promotions in a duration of every five years and does not speaks of keeping executives in any scale for 10 years. Therefore, Management side, instead of creating non-existent fears, should go ahead with replacing the El A with E2 and E2A with E3 immediately and anomalies, if any, arising out of these recommendations can be examined later on as being done in implementation of various recommendations related to pay and promotions in past. No: UF/CMD/Agitation/ Dated the 5th May 2016 (Addressed to The OSD to Director (HR), BSNL Corporate Office, New Delhi-110001) TELEWAVE 28 MAY-2016
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