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i. Upgradation of E-1A & E-2A scales to E2 & E3 in respect of JTO & SDE equivalent grades has been recommended .by the Committee keeping in view refusal of DoT & DPE to agree to intermediary pay scales subsequent to 2nd PRC. The pay scale of Sr SDE equivalent grades will remain as E3. Accordingly, Pay scale of both SDE, Sr. SDE and equivalent cadres would be E-3. ii. EPP would be revised to the extent that upgradation from SDE to Sr. SDE scale will be in the same scale i.e. E-3 after completion of 5 years in SDE scale. Further, as per DPE instructions of 24.12.2012 and the current stand of DoT, double fixation of pay in the same scale is not permitted. However, the matter will be taken with DOT/DPE for one increment benefit on promotion/upgradation from SDE to Sr. SDE equivalent cadres. iii. Proposal for making necessary changes in the EPP i.e. financial up-gradation from E3(SDE equivalent) to E3(Sr. SDE equivalent) after 5 years and E3(Sr.SDE equivalent) to F,4(DE equivalent ) after 5 years would be submitted to BSNL Board and after its approval the same will be sent to DOT for approval. 4. However, on the following issues, there was a difference of opinion as under: i. The Associations have demanded for fixation in the upgraded scale of E2 & E3 w.e.f. 1.1.2007 and payment of arrears may be considered when the company makes profit. However, Estt. Branch proposed that there will be notional fixation of the pay in the upgraded E-2 & E-3 scales effective from 1.1.2007 and emoluments in the revised pay scale will be payable from the date of approval by DoT. Tentative financial implications of the proposal as on 31.3.2016 will be as under: (a) For the period from 1.1.2007 up to 31.3.2016 -Additional Pension contribution (b) The annual financial implication Additional Pension Contribution (year 2015) Additional Pay & Allowances (2015-16) = Rs.157 Crores (approx.) = Rs. 6 Crores (approx.) = Rs. 38 Crores (approx.) In case, the demand of the associations for payment of arrears is considered at a later date, there will be a liability of Rs. 152 Crores (approx.). ii. The associations explained that there would not be any major anomaly in extending the E2 / E3 scales as recommended by the Khan Committee. However, in case some anomalies / aberrations arise in future which cannot be anticipated at this moment, it may be considered on merit basis. However, Estt. Branch is of the view that any anomalies, aberrations on account of implementation of the above recommendation would not be considered. Annexure-I Opinion of GS AIBSNLEA Shri Prahlad Rai and AGS AIGETOA Shri Amit Roy as to the Minutes of the Meeting held on 23.02.2016 at 3 PM between Management and representatives of the Executives' Associations with regard to replacement of E1A and E2A Pay scales in persuasion of Khan Committee recommendations dated 29th July 2015: As part of the meeting, our considered opinion was for implementation of Khan Committee Recommendations except the opinion of GM Establishment and GM EF given at Annexure-I of the said committee report. We are of the firm opinion that Khan Committee recommendations should be implemented in true and letter spirit. The Joint committee was never in agreement with the opinion given by two members of the committee from management side which has further been emphasized in the meeting and further reiterated in the minutes of the meeting. It appears that through the aforesaid minutes, GM establishment is re-imposing her view based on her earlier opinion given in the joint committee report which was never agreed by the chairman as well as the remaining three members of the joint committee. The joint committee in its recommendations, never kept in view that pay scales of both SDE and senior SDE equivalent cadres would be E3. Joint Committee has recommended the replacement scales of E1A and E2A to E2 and E3 respectively and also that necessary changes in the EPP may be made, if required and also the approval of DoT issues of related pension outgo, gratuity etc. may be sought by concerned wings of BSNL. TELEWAVE 43 MARCH-2016
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