Page 27 - TELEWAVE AUGUST-2015
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 To start with an amount of Rs.1,00,000/- will be transferred from the General Fund of the AIBSNLEA CHQ to the welfare fund.  The scheme will be available with effect from 1.1.2014 but in view of the membership verification, the Welfare Scheme will be implemented after the membership verification of the Executive Association. 3. STATUS OF HR ISSUES: United Forum of BSNL Executives' Associations (AIBSNLEA and th AIGETOA) serves a notice on 24 June 2015 for resuming the deferred organizational actions to protest against the arbitrary recruitment of Management Trainee and non-settlement of long pending HR issues in BSNL. After serving the notice and during agitation programe United Forum Leaders had series of meetings with CMD BSNL, Dir (HR), Sr GM SR, GM (Pers) and other senior officers to discuss the withdrawal of MT recruitment and settlement of long pending HR issues. During meetings some positive steps have been taken for the resolution of the pending HR issues as under: 3.1 Implementation of Executives Promotion Policy in BSNL: AIBSNLEA untiring & consistent effort’s yielded result in getting issued Executive Promotion Policy on 18.01.2007 for implementation of the promotion policy for the Executives in BSNL up to 31-03-2007, which was finally implemented after the clarifications were issued by BSNL Corporate Office on 30.05.2007 but still some issues remains un-resolved as under:- • Introduction of E-2 and E-3 pay scales for JTOs, SDEs and equivalent cadres in place of E-1A and E-2A pay scales, Implementation of CPSU cadre hierarchy - Change of designations on each Time Bound upgradation on functional basis and first time bound promotion uniformly after four years w.e.f. 01.10.2000: BSNL Management gave the draft proposal vide letter number 4-5/2011-Restg dated 01.07.2013 for submitting our views on this issue which was immediately uploaded on the CHQ website seeking the suggestions/views. Association has already submitted the comments/opinion on this issue to the Management but no meeting in this regard was conducted. Association has demanded Time bound functional promotions up to the level of SG-JAG grade with change of designations of that grade. The post based promotions may be from SAG and above grades as assured at the time of absorption in BSNL. On our persuasion CMD BSNL re constituted the Committee headed by ED(NB) and members official side GM(Estt) GM (EF) Staff side GS, AIBSNLEA, GS SNEA ,GS AIGETOA and convener DGM (Pers) to th discuss the following items and to submit the recommendations before 15 August 2015:  To examine the introduction of E-2 and E-3 pay scales for JTOs, SDEs and equivalent cadres due to non-approval of E-1A and E-2A pay scales by Government  To examine the introduction of CPSU cadre hierarchy viz-a-viz present setup.  To examine the implementation of first time bound promotion uniformly after four years w.e.f. 01.10.2000. After the formation of the committee some meetings have taken place where the discussion on introduction of E2 & E3 pay scales to JTO s and SDEs and equivalent cadres and the introduction of CPSU cadre hierarchy viz-a-viz present setup have been completed. The report is being finalized by ED (NB) Chairman Committee wherein it is recommended to replace E1A and E2A intermediate Pay scales by standard IDA pay scales E2 & E3. CPSU cadre hierarchy in terms of change of designation on functional basis up to DE level and time bound promotion up to DGM grade with change of designation ie. DGM holding charge and DGM promotion on functional basis against available DGM posts and also Time bound promotion up to SG-JAG level on the interval of four to six years on Ist promotion ie. JTO to SDE and subsequent all the promotions after 5 years of service .The committee report is expected to be submitted shortly to the competent authority for consideration and further TELEWAVE Page-27 AUGUST-2015
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