Page 90 - TELEWAVE JUNE-2016
P. 90
G5CLIMPSES OF OSPEN ESSION OF TH AILL NDIA ONFERENCE OF AIBSNLEA ON 1 76.0 .2016 AT MYSURU (KARNATAKA ) Address by Shri Anupam Srivastava, Address by Shri Anupam Srivastava, CMD BSNL, New Delhi CMD BSNL, New Delhi Felicitation of Shri Prahlad Rai, GS Felicitation of Retired CS & CPs Felicitation of Retired CS & Cps Oath of Obligation Edited & Published by Com. Prahlad Rai GS, Produced & Maintained by Com. Bhagwan Singh, Auditor (CHQ) and Designed & Processed by Com. M.K.Morodia, CS Rajasthan